what does pending mean on snapchat

What Does Pending Mean on Snapchat – Solutions are Here!

What does pending mean on Snapchat? Status or error notifications are part of the Snapchat app for iPhone and Android. 

What does the “pending” message on Snapchat mean, why does it show up, and how to work around the message to get the app to work correctly.

Snapchat is different from other social media apps. When you get used to all the features and functions, you’ll find it a great way to keep in touch, connect with friends, and create fun content.

As I write this article, I will discuss every significant point for the term ‘pending meaning’ that comes into play when you send a Snapchat snap. That person, unadded, has blocked you or still does not have them on your list of friends.

What Does Pending Mean On Snapchat?

On Snapchat, pending messages and Snaps are unsent messages or Snaps that have not been sent yet. Messages on Snapchat could be pending for various reasons, but usually, it’s the user’s fault. 

Most of the time, you will need to wait until the other person solves their issue on their side before resolving the problem on your end.

Below are some of the main points on what does pending means:

  • The user has blocked you, or they have deleted their account
  • The “Pending” status might also appear if you don’t have an internet connection.
  • You were not added back, and so on.

What Does a grey arrow mean on Snapchat?

You might not have been friend-dumped if you see a gray “pending” arrow. If they aren’t familiar with you, they might have missed the friend request. 

You can always uninstall the app and reinstall it to be sure (but be aware you may need to sign back in after reinstalling).

Unlike Facebook, Snapchat doesn’t notify people when they’re unfriended, so this is one way to confirm you’re still on someone’s friend’s list. You may have been removed from that person’s contact list.

What does it mean when it says pending on Snapchat?

These are the things you can expect when a message is pending on Snapchat:

  • A notification will be sent to the receiver about the pending message.
  • Messages and friend requests will be visible to the receiver even if they are not accepted.
  • They can also choose to add you as a friend or receive your messages.
  • You can’t know if the recipient has read your message.
  • There will be no way for you to know whether the other party ignored your message.
  • Or if they blocked you.

Snapchat message pending? Find out why

Your message to someone can be ‘Pending’ for various reasons. Here are some of the most common ones.

  • The network is down
  • Ensure Snapchat’s usage of mobile data isn’t limited
  • Check for “Airplane mode” off.
  • A slow network makes it difficult for you to send large files.
  • Snapchat’s account has been deleted.
  • Check if Snapchat servers are down.

Snapchat can remove an account at any time, marking snaps sent to those profiles as pending until it is restored.

Note* The fastest way to resolve a Snapchat glitch is to restart the app. 

Snapchat Pending messages: How long are they valid?

What Does Pending Mean on Snapchat
What Does Pending Mean on Snapchat

In this case, the snap would not be delivered since he is not a Snapchat friend. Messages are delivered if the recipient accepts them. Otherwise, your messages will be deleted within 30 days.

As a result of Snapchat’s fixed algorithm, this happens. Pending messages are visible for 30 days. Within 30 days, Snapchat will remove your pending message from the server. If the recipient accepts the request after that point, the snap will not be delivered until 30 days later.

How to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat?

You can see all your friends’ snap scores on Snapchat. If the person has removed you from their list of friends, you can click on their name on Snapchat to see if they have done so.

If you think you have been unadded, use a Snapchat search to find the person. Click on the person’s name to view their profile when they appear here. Look at their Snap Score if it is available. If it isn’t available, the person has removed you.

Note* You can check your Friends list to find out if someone on Snapchat has unadded you.

FAQ On What Does Pending Mean on Snapchat?

What does pending mean on Snapchat?

Ans: Snapchat is still unable to send the snap, hence the “pending” label. Snapchat pending warnings also mean that the app will try to send the message until it’s either received or you choose to cancel it manually.

What do other snapchatters mean?

Ans: It means some people haven’t added you yet but still view your stories if your account is public and you see “Other Snapchatters” in your story viewers. Most likely, they are mutual friends or just random Snapchat users.

Snapchat: How do you know if someone unfriended you?

Ans: You can check on the status of a snap by clicking the person’s username on the Chat screen. The user may have deleted you from their friend list if you see “Pending,” but it does not show delivered, or if the arrow next to their username appears gray.

What does pending mean on Snapchat?

Ans: Snapchat shows you the ‘pending’ arrow when you send a message or snap to someone, and they do not accept it. A blocked account may also mean that the person isn’t interested in receiving messages from you.


This article explains “what does pending mean on Snapchat.” It means that the person has not accepted your Snapchat request or has unadded you. If your snap is showing as pending, the request hasn’t been accepted or removed.

I hope this article is going to help you a lot. For any queries, you can ping me using the comment box. You will receive a rapid response to your messages from our side.

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